1. Introduction

Dari.Shop is an online marketplace primarily for clothing, cosmetics, jewelry, and accessories. We aim to provide a safe, reliable, and efficient platform where sellers and buyers can connect. Adherence to these Terms and Conditions ensures that we maintain our high standards of operation and ensures mutual respect and trust amongst all stakeholders.

2. Account Setup

Creating an Account:

Sellers are required to fill out the registration form provided on Dari.Shop to create an account. The registration form will ask for important details such as the seller’s full name, business name (if applicable), email address, physical address, and contact number.

It is crucial that all information provided is accurate and up-to-date. Sellers are responsible for ensuring that their account information remains current. Providing false or misleading information may result in the immediate suspension or termination of the account.

Required Documentation:

To verify the identity of the seller and ensure the integrity of our marketplace, we require certain documentation. This may include a valid form of identification (such as a passport or driver’s license), proof of address (such as a utility bill or bank statement), and details of business registration (if the seller is a registered business entity).

Sellers are required to upload these documents securely through our platform for verification. The documentation provided must be current and valid. Sellers must notify Dari.Shop and provide updated documentation if any of their submitted documents expire.

Account Verification:

Dari.Shop takes the trust of its users seriously, and as such, we verify all sellers’ accounts. After a seller has submitted all required documentation, the verification process will commence. This process is expected to be completed within 30 days.

Sellers will receive a notification once their account has been verified and is ready for use. If a seller fails the verification process within the 30-day period, their account will be temporarily disabled until the required verification is complete. During this time, the seller will not be able to list or sell products on Dari.Shop.

Product Listings

Listing Requirements:

The presentation of products on Dari.Shop significantly influences a buyer’s purchasing decision and overall shopping experience. As such, it is essential that all product listings meet our content requirements, detailed in our Content Requirements PDF. Some fundamental aspects include:

Product Description: Sellers must provide accurate, clear, and comprehensive descriptions of their products. This should include the product’s features, dimensions, material, usage instructions, care instructions, and any other pertinent information.

Product Images: High-quality images that accurately represent the product from various angles must be included. The images should be clear and well-lit to give the customer a good understanding of what they are purchasing.

Pricing: Sellers must provide a fair and reasonable price for their products, taking into consideration the product’s value, market conditions, and any taxes or additional fees. Misleading prices or hidden costs are strictly prohibited.

Prohibited Products:

Dari.Shop is committed to compliance with all European Union regulations. As such, the sale of certain items is strictly prohibited on our platform. This includes, but is not limited to, illegal items, items that infringe intellectual property rights, counterfeit goods, and any products that do not comply with EU safety and consumer protection regulations.

Inventory Management:

Sellers are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of their inventory on Dari.Shop. This includes promptly updating product availability to reflect the current stock levels, ensuring that all listed items are available for immediate sale. Inability to fulfill an order due to stock unavailability can lead to customer dissatisfaction and potential penalties.

We believe that adherence to these product listing guidelines ensures a reliable and trustworthy shopping experience for our customers, thereby maintaining the integrity and reputation of Dari.Shop as a marketplace.

Sales and Order Fulfillment

Order Processing:

Timeliness and efficiency are key factors in providing a satisfactory customer experience on Dari.Shop. Upon receiving notice of a new order, sellers are required to promptly process and prepare the order for shipment. As per our policy, all orders should be shipped within three days after the order confirmation, unless an alternate timeframe has been agreed upon between the seller and the buyer and explicitly stated in the product listing.

This includes packaging the item securely to prevent damage during transportation, printing out the correct shipping labels, and dispatching the order using the agreed-upon shipping method. Sellers are also expected to provide tracking information (where applicable) to the customers to allow them to track their order’s progress.

Return and Refund Policy:

Dari.Shop places a high priority on customer satisfaction, and as such, we have implemented cancellation, return, and refund policies that protect the interests of our buyers. All sellers must adhere to these policies and are responsible for handling any returns or refunds requested by their customers.

If a customer wishes to cancel an order, return a product, or request a refund, the seller is expected to handle the request promptly and professionally, in line with Dari.Shop’s policies. This may involve accepting returns and issuing refunds, providing exchange services, or offering other forms of customer compensation, as appropriate.

Sellers are encouraged to clearly communicate their own return and refund policies in their product listings, provided they meet or exceed Dari.Shop’s minimum standards. Understanding and adhering to these policies ensures a fair and satisfactory shopping experience for our customers, and in turn, contributes to the overall reputation and success of the seller’s business.

Payments and Fees

Commission Structure:

To support the services provided by Dari.Shop, a commission of 14% is charged for each item sold on our platform. This commission is automatically deducted from the total sale price (excluding shipping and taxes) before the remainder is transferred to the seller.

The commission covers various aspects that contribute to the smooth operation of the marketplace, including technology infrastructure, customer service, marketing initiatives, and the secure processing of transactions.

Payment Process:

Dari.Shop has partnered with Stripe, a leading online payment processor, to handle all transactions securely. When an item is sold, the payment made by the buyer is initially held by Stripe. After deducting Dari.Shop’s 14% commission, the remaining funds are automatically transferred to the seller’s connected Stripe account. The transfer is subject to Stripe’s standard processing times and terms of service.

Sellers are required to have a valid Stripe account connected to their Dari.Shop account to facilitate these transactions. It is the seller’s responsibility to manage their Stripe account, including updating bank details and monitoring incoming payments.


Sellers who fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions, engage in fraudulent activity, misrepresent their products, or otherwise breach the trust of our marketplace, may be subject to penalties. These penalties are determined based on the severity and frequency of the violations and may include warnings, temporary suspension of selling privileges, permanent suspension of their accounts, or other penalties as deemed appropriate by Dari.Shop.

The aim of these penalties is to maintain a safe and trusted marketplace. It is therefore crucial for all sellers to fully understand and comply with these Terms and Conditions to ensure a successful and positive selling experience on Dari.Shop.

Seller Behavior

Expected Behavior:

Sellers on Dari.Shop are expected to exemplify utmost professionalism, honesty, and respect in their conduct. This includes but is not limited to:

Communication: Sellers should maintain open, clear, and courteous communication with buyers and other sellers. Any queries or disputes should be handled promptly and professionally.

Authenticity: All information provided to Dari.Shop and customers, including product descriptions, shipping details, return policies, and business information, should be accurate, truthful, and complete.

Quality Service: Sellers are expected to ensure that all products are of high quality and are packaged and delivered with care. They should aim to exceed customer expectations and strive for positive reviews.

Respect: Sellers should respect the rights, differences, and dignity of all customers and other sellers. This includes respecting privacy, avoiding unsolicited communications, and adhering to our anti-discrimination policy.

Prohibited Behaviors:

Any behavior that compromises the integrity of the Dari.Shop marketplace or negatively impacts other users is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:

Fraudulent Activity: This encompasses actions like creating false accounts, manipulating reviews, making false claims, or any other deceptive practices.

Misrepresentation of Merchandise: Products listed for sale should be accurately represented in all aspects, including description, quality, price, and delivery details. Sellers must not attempt to deceive customers by providing misleading or incomplete information.

Spamming: Unsolicited bulk communication, including messages, emails, or excessive postings, is not allowed.

Harassment or Stalking: Any form of harassment, including stalking, intimidation, or coercive behavior towards customers or other sellers, is strictly forbidden.

Harmful Behavior: This includes any activity that is unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, or otherwise injurious to third parties.

Violation of these behavioral expectations may lead to penalties, including the suspension or termination of the seller’s account, as outlined in our Terms and Conditions.

Intellectual Property Rights

Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Policies:

Dari.Shop is a strong advocate for the protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and we expect the same commitment from our sellers. All sellers must strictly respect copyright, trademark, and patent laws.

Copyright: Unauthorized use of copyrighted materials such as images, logos, text, designs, or any other form of creative content in a product listing is strictly prohibited. This extends to product design, packaging, promotional materials, and all other aspects of your product offering.

Trademark: Sellers must not use trademarks that they are not authorized to use. This includes brand names, logos, or unique product identifiers that may mislead or confuse customers about the product’s origin, affiliation, or endorsement.

Patent: Selling products that infringe on others’ patents, including utility models, designs, or inventions, is strictly prohibited. Sellers are expected to conduct their own research to ensure that their products do not infringe on existing patents.

Seller Responsibilities:

Sellers bear the full responsibility for ensuring that they possess all necessary rights or licenses to sell their listed products. This extends to the usage of all associated marketing materials and the overall presentation of the product.

It is incumbent upon the seller to conduct thorough due diligence to verify that their operations do not infringe upon any Intellectual Property Rights. This includes confirming that they have obtained all necessary permissions or licenses, and that their actions do not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, or patent laws.

If a seller is found to be in violation of Intellectual Property Rights, they may be subject to penalties, including the immediate removal of their listings or suspension of their account. Legal consequences might also apply. Therefore, we strongly advise all sellers to carefully review their practices to ensure compliance with all relevant Intellectual Property Rights laws.

Dispute Resolution

Complaint Resolution:

All sellers on Dari.Shop are expected to address any complaints raised by customers with urgency and professionalism. This process includes:

Acknowledgment: Upon receiving a complaint, the seller should promptly acknowledge it and inform the customer about the steps being taken to resolve the issue.

Investigation: Sellers should carry out a comprehensive examination to understand the specifics of the complaint, which may involve checking transaction records, product details, or communication with the customer.

Action: Based on the investigation’s outcome, the seller should take appropriate action. This could range from providing additional information to the customer, offering a refund, or replacing a product.

Follow-up: Once the action is taken, the seller should communicate the resolution to the customer and confirm their satisfaction. If the customer remains unsatisfied, the seller should reconsider the steps taken and seek a solution that satisfies both parties.

Dispute Resolution Process:

If the seller and the customer are unable to reach a satisfactory agreement, Dari.Shop may step in to mediate the dispute. The process is as follows:

Notification: Either the seller or the customer can request Dari.Shop’s intervention by contacting our customer service team and providing all relevant information.

Mediation: Upon receiving a request, Dari.Shop will assess the situation and may communicate with both the seller and the customer to gain a full understanding of the issue.

Resolution: Dari.Shop will make a determination based on our policies, the information provided, and any applicable laws or regulations. This resolution may involve refunding the customer, issuing a warning to the seller, or taking other appropriate action.

Implementation: The determined resolution will be communicated to both parties and implemented accordingly. Both parties are expected to comply with the resolution.

This dispute resolution process aims to ensure fairness and satisfaction for all parties involved. Sellers are encouraged to resolve disputes independently whenever possible, as this contributes to better customer relationships and marketplace reputation.

Important! All communication between the seller and the buyer regarding any claims should be carried out only on the trading platform Dari.Shop through the ticket system.


Updates and Policy Changes: These Terms and Conditions may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our policies, market conditions, or any other reason deemed appropriate by us.

Notifying Sellers: Sellers will be notified of any changes to their account via Announcements as well as via their registered email address.


Grounds for Termination:

Dari.Shop is committed to maintaining a safe, trustworthy, and fair marketplace for all users. As such, certain actions may trigger the immediate suspension or termination of a seller’s account. These include, but are not limited to:

Breach of Terms and Conditions: Non-compliance with any of the stipulations outlined in our Terms and Conditions, including misrepresentation of products, inadequate customer service, misuse of user data, or violation of our behavioral guidelines, can result in termination.

Fraudulent Activity: Any form of fraudulent activity, such as creating false accounts, manipulating reviews, falsely representing a product or a service, or engaging in deceptive practices, is strictly prohibited and may lead to immediate account termination.

Illegal Activity: Engaging in activities that contravene applicable laws or regulations, including selling prohibited items, infringing upon intellectual property rights, or violating privacy laws, can result in the immediate suspension or termination of a seller’s account.

Account Suspension and Deletion:

Dari.Shop reserves the right to suspend or delete a seller’s account should it be found in violation of our Terms and Conditions. The process for this is as follows:

Investigation: Once we receive a report or detect suspicious activity, an investigation will be launched. During this period, the seller’s account may be temporarily suspended to prevent further potential violations.

Communication: If the investigation confirms a violation, the seller will be informed of the breach and given a chance to respond or rectify the issue, depending on the severity of the violation.


If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, or if the violation is of a severe nature, Dari.Shop reserves the right to permanently delete the seller’s account. This decision is at Dari.Shop’s sole discretion, and the seller will be informed of the decision.

Please note that depending on the severity of the violation, the seller may not be given the opportunity to rectify the issue and the account may be permanently deleted without prior notice. It is therefore imperative that all sellers understand and adhere to these Terms and Conditions to ensure a healthy and successful selling experience on Dari.Shop.

Appeals and Reinstatements

Appeals Process:

If a seller’s account has been suspended or terminated and they believe this action was unjust, they have the right to appeal the decision. To initiate the appeals process, the seller must contact our customer service team.

The appeal should include detailed information about why the seller believes the suspension or termination was unfair. It’s essential for the seller to provide clear and precise information regarding the incident or incidents in question and to present any supporting evidence that could help their case.

After the appeal is submitted, our customer service team will review it thoroughly. During this process, we may require further information from the seller to understand the situation fully.


Reinstatement of a seller’s account is a serious decision that falls under Dari.Shop’s sole discretion. This will only occur if the seller has satisfactorily addressed the issues that led to the suspension or termination of their account.

To qualify for reinstatement, the seller must demonstrate a clear understanding of the reasons behind the account suspension or termination and provide a comprehensive plan outlining how they will rectify the issue and prevent it from happening again in the future.

It should be noted that the possibility of reinstatement doesn’t guarantee that the account will be reinstated. Each case is reviewed individually, considering the specific circumstances and the seller’s history. If an account is reinstated, the seller is expected to strictly adhere to our terms and conditions, failing which could lead to a permanent suspension.

Privacy and Data Protection

Data Protection:

Protecting the privacy and personal data of our users is of utmost importance to Dari.Shop. As such, all sellers must adhere to relevant data protection and privacy laws, including the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These laws govern the collection, storage, processing, and transfer of personal data.

Compliance with these laws entails that sellers must, among other things:

Only collect and process personal data for legitimate, specified purposes and not use it in any way that is incompatible with those purposes.

Ensure the personal data they handle is accurate, kept up-to-date, and stored no longer than necessary.

Implement appropriate security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Seller Responsibilities:

It’s the seller’s responsibility to ensure that their operations and the handling of customer data meet these legal requirements. They must provide clear and comprehensive information about how they handle customers’ personal data, which includes how it’s collected, what it’s used for, how it’s stored, and who it’s shared with, among other details.

Moreover, sellers should obtain explicit consent from customers before collecting and using their personal data. They must also provide customers with the option to access, correct, delete, or restrict processing of their data, in compliance with GDPR requirements.

Any breach of data protection laws can lead to severe penalties, including heavy fines, suspension or termination of the seller’s account on Dari.Shop, and serious damage to reputation. We therefore strongly recommend that all sellers familiarize themselves with, and diligently follow, the data protection and privacy laws applicable to their operations.

Liability and Indemnity


Dari.Shop provides a platform to facilitate transactions between sellers and buyers. While we strive to offer a safe, seamless, and effective marketplace, we cannot control and are not responsible for the actions of individual sellers or buyers on our platform.

As such, Dari.Shop is not liable for any loss of income, loss of profits, loss of contracts, loss of data, or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising. This includes but is not limited to disputes between sellers and buyers, issues arising from the sale or use of products, or any other matters related to transactions conducted through our platform.

Furthermore, we exclude any liability for any personal injury or death caused by our negligence, to the maximum extent permitted by law. We always advise sellers to operate responsibly and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations to mitigate their own risk.


Sellers who use Dari.Shop platform agree to indemnify and hold harmless Dari.Shop and its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of their breach of these Terms and Conditions, their improper use of Dari.Shop’s services, or their violation of any law or the rights of a third party.

This means that if Dari.Shop is sued or suffers any damage or loss because of a seller’s action, omission, or violation of these Terms and Conditions or any law, the seller will bear the cost of our loss or damage and any related legal expenses.

It is important for sellers to understand and comply with these Terms and Conditions, and to operate responsibly, respecting the rights of others, to avoid such liability and indemnity provisions.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction


The Terms and Conditions outlined herein, including its subject matter and formation, are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the European Union. This includes regulations pertaining to e-commerce, data protection, consumer rights, and other relevant laws. Any issues, disputes or claims arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions will be handled according to these laws.


By signing up as a seller on Dari.Shop, the sellers agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the European Union. This means that any legal proceedings or disputes that arise out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, or the services provided by Dari.Shop, will be resolved in the courts of the European Union.

This exclusive jurisdiction extends to any disputes or claims between sellers and Dari.Shop, including but not limited to issues relating to the interpretation, validity, and enforceability of these Terms and Conditions, or any violations thereof.

Sellers must understand and accept that by agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, they are consenting to resolve any disputes within the established jurisdiction, and that they will not bring legal proceedings in any other court.

  By registering as a seller on Dari.Shop, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. Non-compliance may lead to penalties or termination of your seller account. Please read these rules carefully and consult with a legal professional if you have any queries. We look forward to a fruitful partnership with you on Dari.Shop.

In the event of a conflict between the English version and another language version of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail.